Plums And Raisins Against Stress

Plums And Raisins Against Stress
Plums And Raisins Against Stress

If you have shaky nerves and are angry at the smallest detail, prunes will help. You need 1 glass of prunes, half a liter of red wine and spices.

Wash well plums, pour the wine over them, put the pot on the stove and heat until drops of wine appear on the lid. Then remove from the heat.

Add seven black peppercorns, one bay leaf, four cloves, a pinch of cardamom and cover with a lid. Leave to stand for half an hour. Consume decoction against stress slightly warmed to 50 milliliters per day.

Raisins also help with stress and in severe irritability. The special elixir will calm your nervous system. You need 300 grams of raisins and 1 lemon.

Pour 1 liter of water over the raisins, add the grated rind of 1 lemon and cook for five minutes on low heat. Remove from the heat, leave for 2 hours under a lid, add lemon juice and drink one glass a day.

To reduce nervous tension after a stressful situation, do not immediately reach for something sweet. It will charge you with energy and calm you down, but the effect will be very short.

Open the window wide, sit or, if you can, lie down, putting 2-3 pillows under your head, and take a deep breath.

Wet a towel with cold water, squeeze it and put it on your head. Drink a glass of cold water and if you still feel nervous, lightly press your eyes and rub your temples with two fingers.

The people who are irritable, should consume a lot of dill, preferably fresh. It does not lose its useful properties even after heat treatment.
