With This Trick You Will Cook The Corn In Just 8 Minutes

With This Trick You Will Cook The Corn In Just 8 Minutes
With This Trick You Will Cook The Corn In Just 8 Minutes

Boiled corn is among the delicacies that we are happy to prepare in the summer. With the trick you can read here, you will cook the corn in just 8 minutes and you will not have to wait to enjoy its taste.

Most housewives know that for a really appetizing corn you have to wait. But on the other hand, if it is boiled for too long, its useful properties are lost.

That's why we offer you a trick that will allow you to cook it in just 8 minutes. First you have to divide the cobs into two halves, and then water them. When the water boils, add 1 cup of milk and 1 piece of butter.

Let the mixture simmer for 8 minutes and then remove from the heat. Finally, sprinkle with salt to taste and enjoy the milky corn with a milky taste.

oily corn
oily corn

In addition to being delicious, corn is also very good for intestinal health. It also lowers high cholesterol, improves memory and is considered to prevent type 2 diabetes.

It contains carbohydrates, magnesium, folic acid, protein and other very important nutrients that reduce the risk of heart disease.

According to scientists, if you eat a head of corn every day, you will get 22% of the body's fiber needed for a healthy diet.
