What Can We Cook In 30 Minutes

What Can We Cook In 30 Minutes
What Can We Cook In 30 Minutes

We offer you some very easy and delicious recipes that you will follow in a very short time. For some of them you will have to prepare the products from the previous day or at least defrost them, otherwise the real part will not really take you very long. The recipes are also suitable for the spring season.

Roasted peppers with eggs

Necessary products: roasted pepper, cheese, 2-3 eggs, black pepper, oil, a little salt, savory

Method of preparation: put oil on the bottom of a pan and arrange the pepper. Crush the cheese and beat the eggs in a separate bowl. Then mix the eggs and cheese, add the spices and pepper. Put in the oven and bake for about 15 minutes.

Peppers with eggs
Peppers with eggs

If you want something to cook really fast, use a pressure cooker. We offer you an easy recipe that you can make in about half an hour. Here's what you need:

Chicken with rice and vegetables

Necessary products: frozen mix of carrots, peas and corn, 2 - 3 legs, 1 teaspoon rice, salt, black peppercorns, spices on request

Method of preparation: put the pot on the stove and briefly stew the vegetables from the mix, then add the legs, pepper and 1 tsp water. Close the pressure cooker and open again after 15 minutes - add the washed rice and salt and another 2 tsp water. Close the pot again and leave on the stove for 5 - 10 minutes.

The next alaminut is very tasty, which includes mainly yellow cheese. If you want, you can always add some kind of sausage, such as ham, mushrooms or whatever you prefer.


Baked yellow cheese

Necessary products: 1 teaspoon fresh milk, 1 teaspoon flour, 300 g grated yellow cheese, 2 eggs, ground black pepper

Method of preparation: mix all products and stir until the mixture is uniform, then pour into a pan that is pre-oiled and floured. Bake for about 15 minutes.

The next recipe is with minced meat, to which you can again add something to your liking. Our offer does not include garnish, because of the egg that will be placed on the minced meat. What you will need for it:

Eggs on the eyes in minced meat

Minced meat nests
Minced meat nests

Necessary products: 300 g minced meat, a piece of yellow cheese, 4 pickles, melted cheese, 1 slice of bread, eggs, a little cumin, savory

Method of preparation: the minced meat should be thawed - mix the finely chopped cucumbers and yellow cheese with it, add the melted cheese, 1 egg, spices. Knead all this and spread in a greased pan - the thickness should be about 1, 5 cm. Put it to bake (at 220 degrees) and before that make slight indentations on the minced meat by hand. Shortly before the minced meat is ready, put one egg in the recesses. Bake until the eggs are cooked.

And a very fast, ingeniously easy and infinitely delicious dish.

Fried cheese

You need cheese - harder, oil, plain or grill pan and spices to taste. Cut the cheese into slices no thicker than 1 cm. If you use an ordinary pan, pour in oil about ½ cm, ie. enough to cover the bottom, heat it, lightly roll the slices of cheese in flour and fry them until they acquire a brown crust.

If you have a grill pan, you can not put oil and flour, but just bake them on it. Serve sprinkled with savory, basil or paprika (maybe hot) or with spices that you think are suitable for cheese. In addition to fresh salad, you get a delicious and uniquely quick dinner.
