How To Dry Basil

How To Dry Basil
How To Dry Basil

Basil is one of the most fragrant and useful spices and if you dry it properly, its magical aroma will last a very long time. This way you will have a delicious and fragrant spice for different types of dishes on hand all winter long.

Tear off the basil leaves and spread them on a newspaper or thin cloth, distributing them in one layer. Dry the basil leaves for a few days in a dry shady room that is ventilated.

Pour the dry petals into airtight jars and label it on top so you know what you store in it and don't open it often unnecessarily.

Basil is dried without tearing the leaves from the twigs. Gather a few sprigs of basil on the wrists, tie them at the bottom with a thick thread and hang them down with the petals in a dry shady place with good air circulation.

After two weeks, remove the ties, tear off the basil leaves, distribute in airtight jars and store them in this form.

You can also hang the dried basil bunches in a prominent place in the kitchen, as they are beautiful. But unfortunately you will not be able to use basil to season dishes, but only to flavor the kitchen. From your stay in the room, your wrists will dry out and become covered in dust.

dried basil
dried basil

Dried basil leaves for an indispensable spice for soups, pasta sauces, various types of dishes with tomatoes, as well as in dishes from the favorite of many of us oriental cuisine.

To make the dish with basil fragrant, add it at the last minute, a few seconds before removing it from the stove or removing the dish from the oven. This way the basil does not lose its unique aroma.

Basil leaves are detached from a plant that has not yet bloomed. Do not tear all the petals, the small ones are not suitable for drying, the most suitable for medium-sized ones.

Before drying the basil, wash the leaves of dirt and dust, as you will then use them directly in the dishes. You can dry the basil in a sieve in the sunlight by covering it with a thin cloth.

If you are tired of waiting for days until the basil dries, dry the leaves at forty degrees in the oven, but not more than half an hour. The leaves are then cooled and stored in cloth or gauze bags.
