How To Dry Dates

How To Dry Dates
How To Dry Dates

Dried dates have a high nutritional value. They are full of valuable minerals such as potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. It should not be forgotten that they also have a high content of vitamins A and B. Their consumption provides fast energy, from which no extra pounds remain, due to the simple sugars - glucose and fructose contained in them.

Nowadays, however, store-bought dates are treated with sulfur dioxide and sulfites to have a beautiful fresh color and to prevent the growth of bacteria. Very often they are additionally processed with sugar, but mainly with glucose-fructose syrups. This in turn leads to a number of problems that weigh in a negative direction and make the beneficial effect of their consumption insignificant.

Precisely for this reason, home-made dried dates are preferable to kupeshki. Oriental fruits may not look like from the store, but your reassurance will be that you eat a quality and useful product without putting your body to the test.

There are three ways to dry dates - in the sun, in the oven or in a dehydrator.

In the sun

Dried Dates
Dried Dates

The fruits are arranged on paper or strung and left to dry in the sun. To protect them from insects and dust, you can cover them with cheesecloth. When they are ready, scald the dried fruit for no more than 3 seconds in boiling water to ensure that they are free of larvae and bugs. Then dry them again on low heat in the oven for 30 minutes.

In the oven

Arrange the fruit on baking paper placed in a pan and dry at 80-90 degrees. Be careful not to burn them (roast), for this purpose check them and stir every 15 minutes with a wooden spoon.

The dehydrator

The most effective way is to dry dates in a dehydrator. This way they are not dusty and there is no danger of burning them.

You can store the finished dried fruits in jars with tight-fitting lids or paper bags.
