Let's Dry Fruits For The Winter

Let's Dry Fruits For The Winter
Let's Dry Fruits For The Winter

One of the healthiest ways to store fruit for the winter is drying. Apart from the fact that they do not require much preparation, the dried fruits are delicious and without any additional spices, which makes them useful.

Here are some tips on how to dry fruit at home:

All types of fruit can be dried. If you have chosen more juicy and want to dry them in the oven - arrange them in the tray in a row, if your fruit has seeds - clean them. Stone fruits, such as cherries, are not cleaned, and plums - you can dry them with or without stones.

If you have decided to dry apples, you need to choose completely healthy fruits (this applies to all types of fruit), wash them well and then cut them into slices. They must be thick enough to remain fleshy and tasty after the fruit has dried. Then boil them for no more than 2 minutes in boiling water, after this process, pour them cold and drain. This is the technology for drying pears, prunes, cherries.

Let's dry fruits for the winter
Let's dry fruits for the winter

Oven drying - turn the oven to 80 degrees, wait for it to heat up and put the fruit inside. Observe the process, when they become visibly smaller reduce the oven to 40 degrees. Drying in the oven is a long process - keep in mind that it can take a long time, but should not take more than 5 hours. Turn the fruits every hour.

If you have enough space, you can dry the fruit in the sun. All you have to do is spread them out well on paper and leave them in the sun for ten days. They also need to be turned from time to time to become evenly dried on both sides.

Another way to dry the fruit is in the air and here is the technology:

Thread all the pieces of fruit. You wait a few weeks. In the same way you can dry not only fruits but also vegetables.
