Let's Dry Peppers For The Winter

Let's Dry Peppers For The Winter
Let's Dry Peppers For The Winter

In winter, dried peppers are a favorite dish of young and old, and for Christmas Eve the table is unthinkable without the traditional dried peppers stuffed with beans. The strings of dried peppers can be used to decorate the kitchen.

To dry peppers, you need healthy peppers that are not the most fleshy. Red peppers are best dried. Leave them for three days in a ventilated room, arranging them at a distance from each other.

Then choose the healthiest peppers, without stains and rotten spots. The peppers are strung by piercing their stalk with a needle or tying each stalk.

Sufficient distance must be left between the peppers on the string so that they do not touch and there is sufficient air access. They are hung in a closed ventilated place and thus dry. They dry very well in the sun, but in the evening they should be stored so as not to get wet.

fresh peppers
fresh peppers

As a result, the peppers become crispy and brittle. To cook, they must be rinsed with cold water, then soaked in warm water to swell, and the seeds removed.

The peppers are stuffed or crushed into pieces and added to dishes. Dried peppers are used to make a delicious winter salad - they are lightly baked without turning black, crushed and onions or leeks, oil, vinegar and spices are added to taste.

Hot peppers are dried in the same way. Peppers can be dried and cut into pieces. They are cleaned of seeds and stalks, cut into two or four parts or strips.

Put in boiling water and simmer for ten minutes. Then dry on a rack or dish dryer. The peppers are dried in an oven with an open door at a temperature of 60 degrees.

You can also dry them in the sun by spreading them on paper and covering with gauze. Chopped dried peppers are stored in plastic bags or in closed jars.
