Why Sprouted Garlic And Potatoes Are Harmful

Why Sprouted Garlic And Potatoes Are Harmful
Why Sprouted Garlic And Potatoes Are Harmful

If the potatoes you keep in your home have so-called eyes, it is better to throw them away. Sprouted potatoes can cause an acute reaction with health hazards.

Potatoes that are left in storage for light not only germinate but also turn green. A very strong poison known as solanine accumulates in them.

In large doses, solanine destroys red blood cells and has a bad effect on the central nervous system. The entry of solanine into the human body causes dehydration, fever, spasms and seizures. In organisms with a weaker immune system, it can be fatal.

Many people think that if they boil or bake potatoes that have turned green, this will protect them from poisoning. But heat treatment does not destroy the poison in sprouted potatoes.

Even the small green spots on the potato say it contains solanine, so don't be tempted to keep it in your kitchen.


The first symptoms of solanine poisoning are heaviness in the stomach, nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat. Before reaching them, however, the person who ate potatoes with solanine gets a burning sensation on the tongue.

First aid to the victim is done with gastric lavage, laxatives, enemas, cold strong coffee.

In order to store the potatoes so that they do not germinate, they should not be in a net or in a plastic bag, but in a cloth bag that does not transmit light.

Sprouted garlic is also not good for the body, although the damage from it is much less than from sprouted potatoes.

Just sprouted garlic contains substances that reduce the speed of the body's reactions. Sulfanyl-hydroxyl ions, which are contained in sprouted garlic, penetrate all organs.

This leads to distraction, mild headaches and inability to concentrate, which interferes with work and may even interfere with normal driving.

Therefore, do not eat sprouted garlic if you want to be able to work and react quickly in critical situations.
