Never Throw Away Sprouted Garlic, It's A Big Mistake

Never Throw Away Sprouted Garlic, It's A Big Mistake
Never Throw Away Sprouted Garlic, It's A Big Mistake

Garlic, as well as onions as spring approaches put down roots and green sprouts. Many people throw away this vegetable, thinking that it has lost its benefits and taste.

In fact, this is an unforgivable mistake. IN sprouted garlic cloves contains nutrients that are missing in the usual garlic. It contains a whole range of antioxidants: allicin, alliin and diallyl disulfide.

Why should you eat sprouted garlic?

In the process of germination in garlic there are new enzymes with powerful action, able to resist many diseases. Even to taste, the green feathers are sharper and have a rich aroma. It is useful to eat sprouted garlic cloves every day with reduced immunity and viral diseases.

Many tinctures are made from garlic to cleanse the blood vessels and normalize the heart. But sprouted garlic in such cases do not need to soak, insist or brew - take and eat!

The sprouted garlic in folk medicine it is recommended for use to prevent stroke and blood clots. It will help with poisoning, prevents the development of malignant cells, cleanses the body of carcinogens. The antioxidants of sprouted garlic are able to stop cellular aging and the appearance of wrinkles prematurely.

How to eat sprouted garlic?

Homemade garlic is more useful than purchased. Be careful, in supermarkets Chinese vegetables are often of dubious quality. It is best to be alone germinate garlic, creating favorable conditions for the emergence of greenery. Before use, cut the garlic in half and make sure that the sprout has a rich color, is not black and does not begin to rot.

Add to it your favorite spice for dishes without resorting to heat treatment. Keep in mind that sprouted garlic has more sharpness of taste than ordinary. Nutritionists often advise to eat sprouted peas, radishes, dill and alfalfa. These foods contain a lot of plant proteins, vitamins and antioxidants.

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