What Does Garlic Contain And Why Should We Eat It?

What Does Garlic Contain And Why Should We Eat It?
What Does Garlic Contain And Why Should We Eat It?

The benefits of garlic are due to the content of the vital chemical allicin, which is a great therapeutic agent. Allicin, which contains sulfur, is the culprit for the aroma of garlic.

Mankind has been using garlic for more than three thousand years. During World War I, surgeons used garlic as an antiseptic to treat wounds.

Garlic contains phosphorus, calcium and iron, iodine, sulfur, chlorine, allicin and alisatin. It is useful in diabetes. Diabetes can damage the kidneys, nervous system, heart and vision. Garlic oil helps treat the side effects of diabetes.

Garlic, due to its high level of allicin, prevents the oxidation of harmful cholesterol. All people with high cholesterol should include garlic in their diet.

Garlic is useful in hypertension. When a person has high blood pressure, the allicin in garlic has a relaxing effect on blood vessels. Garlic also fights thrombosis.

Daily use of garlic helps to eliminate digestive problems. Even irritations of the digestive tract can be removed with garlic.

Garlic is rich in selenium, quercetin and vitamin C, which helps treat eye infections and diseases. Garlic is used for ear pain because it has antifungal and antibiotic properties.


You can prepare garlic oil yourself by squeezing the juice from grated garlic and adding it to olive oil. The mixture was stored at room temperature for three days.

Garlic cures dysentery, diarrhea and colitis. Its role in removing worms is phenomenal. It does not affect the beneficial organisms in the stomach, but has a destructive effect on harmful bacteria.

For colds and coughs, eat raw garlic. At the beginning of the disease, eat two raw cloves, this will help you fight the disease faster.

Garlic helps to heal wounds, but should be mixed with water as it can irritate the skin. A mask of garlic, honey, liquid cream and turmeric is used to prevent and treat acne.

A glass of fresh milk with three cloves of garlic boiled in it brings relief to asthma sufferers. Garlic enhances sexual desire and can be used as a rejuvenating agent in the bedroom. People who have too much sex should eat a lot of garlic to prevent nervous exhaustion.

Garlic is very useful in its raw form. Just one clove a day brings huge benefits to your health. If you add garlic to dishes, you should add it at the last minute so as not to lose its nutrients.
