Are There Harmless Sweeteners

Are There Harmless Sweeteners
Are There Harmless Sweeteners

The harm of sugar is known and overdoing it with sugar leads to many health problems. However, are sweeteners that are recommended as an alternative to sugar harmless?

They are often used by people who want to control their weight. One of the most common sweeteners is aspartame. It contains few calories, but when heated it breaks down and therefore cannot be used in confectionery.

Aspartame is contraindicated for people with diseases that are accompanied by disorders of phenylalanine metabolism.

Glucose-fructose syrups are somewhat similar in composition to honey, but they cannot be a complete alternative to sugar. But they are used as an alternative to honey.

Are there harmless sweeteners
Are there harmless sweeteners

Oddly enough, using sweeteners instead of sugar can gain extra pounds and harm your health. This is due to some facts.

It all comes down to the mechanism of sugar processing. Taste receptors signal the entry of sugar, then start making insulin and activate the burning of sugar contained in the blood.

The sugar level drops significantly. At this time, the stomach, which has also received a signal for sugar to enter the body, expects carbohydrates.

When a sweetener is consumed instead of sugar, the stomach does not receive calories. The body remembers this situation and the next time carbohydrates enter the stomach, there is a powerful discharge of glucose, which leads to the production of insulin and the accumulation of fat.

The result is a vicious circle in which we reduce calories by consuming sweeteners, but we gain extra pounds and our health suffers.

Some sweeteners can cause headaches. This applies to aspartame as well as saccharin. Synthetic sweeteners are difficult to eliminate from the body.

Glucose-fructose syrup is a good substitute for sugar, as is honey. Fructose is also useful in this regard. Stevia extract is a harmless alternative to sugar, for now.

Stevia improves the functioning of the pancreas, reduces the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood, strengthens capillaries, improves digestion and concentration.
