Unheard Of: They Found Honey That Causes Cancer

Unheard Of: They Found Honey That Causes Cancer
Unheard Of: They Found Honey That Causes Cancer

The honey is one of the most useful things on Earth. It cures known and unknown ailments and is one of the most valuable products that Mother Nature gives us. That is why the news that honey has been found in Bulgaria, which causes cancer, is so worrying.

The signal for the harmful honey was submitted by citizens in the Association of Active Consumers. They brought samples of all types of honey, which is available in large retail and food chains in our country at the Center for Food Biology. The results were announced on Nova TV. It turns out that in 10 of the brands offered there are huge amounts of dangerous substances that cause cancer.

The substances found in honey are definitely not the work of bees. They are added by the producers in order to increase the shelf life and the quantity, respectively the profits.

To be a real honey, it must be candied between 2 and 3 months after it is removed from the hive. An exception is acacia honey. It remains liquid because it is rich in a large amount of fructose from acacia flowers. However, candied honey has no commercial appearance. That is why it is heated at a temperature above 37 degrees Celsius. This leads to the formation and accumulation of the carcinogenic substance hydroxymethyl-furfural in large quantities.

Even real homemade honey should never be heated in the microwave, because this will lead to the formation of the same harmful substances.

Unheard of: They found honey that causes cancer
Unheard of: They found honey that causes cancer

At home honey should be stored candied. If you need a liquid, just melt it in a water bath at a water temperature of up to 37 degrees.

Hydro-xymethyl-furfural is formed in honey and after standing for several years, due to the decomposition of part of the fructose. However, the quantities are minimal and not dangerous to health.

The quality of honey is also deteriorating due to the desire of traders for larger quantities. They buy a certain amount of honey, which they dilute with

thick sugar syrup or glucose to increase volume. This makes the final product something very far from real honey.

Unheard of: They found honey that causes cancer
Unheard of: They found honey that causes cancer

Even natural honey taken directly from the hive can be of poor quality. This occurs when bees are fed large doses of sugar. Thus, the final product has a straw color, sweet taste and no characteristic plant odor. Real honey is darker. Manna honey, which also contains small flies, is almost black. When you are offered linden, field or forest honey, and its color is pale - it is certainly not real and quality honey.

There is also an easy method with which you can check if the honey is pure. If you put some of it in a glass full of water and particles settle at the bottom - you have got a contaminated product. When the honey is not fully ripe, when placed in a hot drink, it begins to foam.

When making a variety of health recipes with honey, the product must be clean. Only quality honey brings health with it. Always try to bet on the right and real products. In honey, the species does not always determine the quality.
