Men, Dump The Soy

Men, Dump The Soy
Men, Dump The Soy

Men should reduce their soy intake immediately. The product directly affects the reproductive capacity.

The natural ingredients of soy, from which a number of vegetarian products such as tofu are made, damage the seminal fluid. The more soy a man consumes, the less likely he is to reproduce.

Fertility experts unequivocally prove that the culprits are phytoestrogens - the plant equivalent of female hormones. When taken by men, they reduce the speed of sperm and increase the number of those with the wrong number of chromosomes. This complicates the conception process and reduces their chances of becoming fathers.

The experiment began with a study of the effect of endocrine disruptors such as bisphenol A, which is used in the coating of plastic packaging. However, after the 25 participants were observed for 2 years, it turned out that the biggest damage to the body was caused by soy consumption.

Today, soy is one of the preferred and widely consumed alternatives to meat and meat products. Soy milk is more and more sought after on the market than cow's milk. However, the results clearly show that men should control their intake of soy products.

However, other experts are convinced that the data require more research. Similar studies have so far shown that along with soy, coffee also reduces fertility. Beer, on the other hand, increases it.

The third party is represented by professionals who rely on moderation. According to them, nothing is harmful if consumed in moderation.
