Should Men Avoid Soy

Should Men Avoid Soy
Should Men Avoid Soy

Whenever a product is defined as "healthy" by experts, it begins to enter the menu of people who often do not think about the conditions under which the consumption of a particular food is useful. The case is similar with soy. A decade or two ago, apart from Japan and China, few countries knew about soy. Today it is one of the most used foods. Recently, however, the question has been raised whether soy is so useful for men?

Many studies suggest that regular consumption of soy can reduce semen production. A study by George Cavaro of the University of Boston says that soy contains ingredients that can actually affect men's reproductive abilities. In particular, testosterone levels are reduced as a result of taking this culture.

According to another study from the University of North Carolina, soy can reduce the risk of cancer only in men over 60 years of age. In younger people, the protection provided by soy is negligible.


It is important to note that these studies cannot generally mark the effects of soy on the male body. However, each person reacts differently to substances taken with food.

In what forms should soy not be eaten?

It is advisable to avoid consuming raw soybeans, as it is difficult to chew and digest, it can even cause allergies. Unfermented soy sometimes causes allergic reactions in humans such as coughing, sneezing, runny nose, diarrhea, difficulty swallowing, and anaphylactic shock.

Forms of soy that are harmless:

Traditionally, soy is eaten fermented. It has been consumed for centuries in the homeland of soybeans - Japan. In this way, its health benefits can be maximized. Among the fermented forms of soy are miso, tempeh and nato. We should not forget that soy has a number of beneficial effects on the human body - it regulates blood pressure, blood sugar, estrogen balance. In certain cases, the plant has a preventive effect against breast, colon and prostate cancer.
