Soy Sauce: A Few Tips On How To Choose It

Soy Sauce: A Few Tips On How To Choose It
Soy Sauce: A Few Tips On How To Choose It

Soy sauce is one of the most popular sauces in the world. It is the result of the natural fermentation of its four main products - soy, wheat, water and salt. That's why manufacturers of quality soy sauce are adamant that it does not contain any artificial additives.

But how to find out what to buy in all the abundance of products on the stand? And how can we be sure that the products we have chosen are genuine?

Here are some tips on how to test the quality of soy sauce. You can do this in the store before you buy it.

Start by looking carefully at the information that is written on the label about the nutritional composition, and especially about the protein content. The general rule is that the higher the protein level, the higher soy sauce is better.

Soy Sauces
Soy Sauces

Then study the list of products in the composition. A good soy sauce contains only four natural ingredients - water, soybeans, wheat and salt. There are brands with seven or more components. And if you're wondering why, the answer is simple - they need additional products to produce their soy sauces with satisfactory taste on cheaper terms.

So the most important thing is really the protein content and the list of ingredients while shopping in the store. They will guide you on the quality of the product you have reached for. And they will protect you from disappointment, whatever soy sauce certainly not worth it.

There are other criteria by which it can be tested. In general, there are three - color, taste and aroma. It is their quality that manufacturers also examine before placing their products on the market.

Brown soy sauce
Brown soy sauce

The color, taste and aroma are an indicator of that soy sauce is naturally fermented. And while the smell and aroma are hard to smell when buying, color could be our guide. A good soy sauce is one whose color is dark yellow or brown. Be careful with the very dark color - reddish and even black, because it is usually a sign that the sauce is of poor quality, produced with artificial additives and acids.

The bottle in which the sauce is sold is also a sign of quality. Good sauces are in glass bottles, in which their taste and useful properties are best preserved. Conversely - in plastic bottles they are lost, which will certainly lose your dish.

application of soy sauce in cooking
application of soy sauce in cooking

And last but not least, the brand is one of the main indicators that should guide us which soy sauce is quality and which is not. Shop prepared and find out in advance who are the leaders on the world market and look for their products.
