Chickpeas: An Excellent Source Of Protein

Chickpeas: An Excellent Source Of Protein
Chickpeas: An Excellent Source Of Protein

One of the healthiest foods is undoubtedly chickpeas. It belongs to the legume family and is very rich in proteins that strengthen the immune system.

It also contains many vitamins that protect the body from colds in winter. It is especially important against aging, as it is very rich in vitamin E. In addition to vitamins, it also contains iron, zinc, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus.

Chickpeas love warm weather and are therefore planted during the hot summer months. It is therefore grown in both Europe and Africa. It germinates quickly and collects within 3 days. Chickpeas occupy a particularly important place among the cuisines of Africa, Spain, Turkey and India.

Chickpeas have a high nutritional value, thanks to the proteins, minerals and vitamins it contains. 100 grams of chickpeas contain 361 calories. Thus, the body obtains the necessary amount of energy per day.


Chickpeas occupy a particularly important place among Turkish cuisine. According to regional and local specialties, a variety of delicious dishes with chickpeas are prepared.

These are dishes such as hummus, chickpea puree, meat dishes with chickpeas, casserole or flavored with various spices recipes. It is consumed both in the winter and in the summer season.

During the summer season, salads prepared with chickpeas are preferred. In the winter season, chickpea legumes are preferred. They are suitable for the protection of the body.
