Foods That Are A Cheap Source Of High Quality Protein

Foods That Are A Cheap Source Of High Quality Protein
Foods That Are A Cheap Source Of High Quality Protein

Protein is an indispensable building block for our body. And few will dispute the benefits of natural protein sources before synthetic ones.

Eggs, meat, vegetables, seafood - all these are products that contain a large amount of protein, but each has its own characteristics. And their different prices are not to be underestimated.

And so, which foods are rich in protein and at the same time affordable?

1. Eggs

Long before the invention of synthetic protein, eggs were indispensable in the diet of athletes. In terms of protein content, each meat steak will surpass eggs, as this indicator in them does not exceed 7 grams. The secret to success is this:

Egg protein is about 95% absorbed. Eggs contain a minimum of fat and carbohydrates. They are easy to prepare. They are also full of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants needed for vision, and nutrients needed for brain activity, which we do not get in sufficient quantities in a leaner diet.

The whole egg is source of proteinand egg white is pure protein. 1 whole large egg contains 6 grams of pure protein, 78 kcal.

eggs are an excellent source of protein
eggs are an excellent source of protein

2. Chicken breasts

Chicken breasts are a very popular product when it comes to high in protein and is considered a dietary product due to its low fat content (less than 8%). But the protein content in 100 g of meat exceeds 24%. Thanks to this, the body receives 130 kcal. Chicken breasts are very easy to prepare and incredibly tasty.

3. Cottage cheese

In addition to quality protein, cottage cheese contains a lot of calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and various other trace elements.

100 g of cottage cheese contains 18 g pure protein.

4. Milk

It's milk a very important source of protein, but a large number of adults have problems absorbing lactose. But if you are not one of them and you can fully enjoy the milk, then it is an ideal source of high quality protein.

Almost all the nutrients that are so necessary for our body are contained in milk in small amounts.

Milk is also rich in calcium, phosphorus and riboflavin (vitamin B2).

sources of quality protein
sources of quality protein

The protein in a glass of milk is approximately the same as in 1 egg, namely - about 8 g.

Due to the different percentage of fat content, the calorie content varies from 44 to 64 kcal per 100 ml of milk.

4. Pumpkin seeds

Pumpkin seeds are incredibly useful: they contain a lot of zinc, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese, as well as a wide variety of vitamins (groups B, A, E, K). 100 g of seeds contain 19 g of protein.

Flaxseeds (12% calories), sunflower seeds (12%) and chia seeds (11%) are not far behind pumpkin seeds in terms of protein content.

5. Fish is an extremely healthy product for many reasons

It is rich in many trace elements and most importantly, it contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for heart health.

Among other fish, tuna is especially popular and can be found in canned form at low prices.

Tuna is almost pure protein because it has very little fat and calories. It contains a wide variety of nutrients and a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids.

100 g of tuna contain 29 g of protein, which gives the body 96 kcal.
