Tips For Delicious Salads

Tips For Delicious Salads
Tips For Delicious Salads

Store salads washed and well dried in plastic bags in the refrigerator. When you have prepared the salad, do not taste it before serving, because it will spoil the taste.

Do not put lettuce near the walls of the refrigerator, because it will get the so-called burn in the refrigerator - the leaves will dry out and become too wet.

Do not cut the salad with a knife, but chop it if you want to preserve the vitamins and not damage the leaves. Fifty grams of lettuce leaves are enough to prepare one serving of salad.

You can taste any green salad with the help of a special sauce, which requires very little time to prepare, and is very tasty and effective.

Mix one tablespoon of mustard with three tablespoons of walnut oil and one crushed clove of garlic and add two hundred and fifty milliliters of yogurt. Season with salt and pepper to taste.


Use fresh young spinach leaves to make a delicious salad with milk sauce. You need to wash each leaf well, as sand accumulates in the folds of the spinach leaves.

To wash the lettuce well, separate each leaf, soak the leaves in a large bowl of water, remove them and wash them one by one under running water.

You will be amazed at how much sand and dirt will remain in the bowl. The iceberg lettuce, which is crunchy, is very nice in combination with grated Parmesan, and arugula - with cherry tomatoes.
