Healthy Substitutes For Harmful Foods

Healthy Substitutes For Harmful Foods
Healthy Substitutes For Harmful Foods

In the fast-paced world we live in, unhealthy foods have literally surrounded us. This is really a very serious problem, but it can be solved as long as we use some small tricks. Our diet can be healthy and just as delicious if we find the right substitutes for the harmful products we consume most often. Here's what nutritionists offer:

Apple sauce displaces sugar

A number of studies have shown that apple sauce has an excellent effect on a healthy diet. It gives a sweet note to the food, but at the same time does not contain many calories. Added instead of sugar saves us from all the harmful substances that we would take in case we consume sugar.

Replace mayonnaise with skim yogurt

Healthy substitutes for harmful foods
Healthy substitutes for harmful foods

This move would be quite tricky, as skim yogurt contains significantly less fat than mayonnaise and cream. However, there is almost no difference in the consistency of these products. That is why we can safely apply skim yogurt where we usually add the harmful mayonnaise.

Avocado puree is preferable to oil


According to experts, the fat that avocado contains has a beneficial effect on our body. It is recommended that the oil or butter we use while cooking be replaced with avocado puree. In this way we will ensure healthy cholesterol levels and protect ourselves from heart problems.

Bananas instead of sugar and butter

Healthy substitutes for harmful foods
Healthy substitutes for harmful foods

The composition of bananas allows them to become an excellent substitute for sugar and butter. At the same time, they are useful because they contain potassium and normalize blood pressure. In addition, eating bananas will take care of the good condition of your digestive system.

Nuts are better than croutons

Healthy substitutes for harmful foods
Healthy substitutes for harmful foods

Are you used to adding croutons to your salad? Try replacing them with nuts and you will be surprised how pleasant the end result is. Replacing salty and fatty croutons with a handful of nuts will ensure your heart health and energy.

Oatmeal is superior to breadcrumbs

Breaded chicken
Breaded chicken

Do you like breaded chicken, but you also want to eat healthy? Then just replace the salted breadcrumbs with oatmeal. Season with spices and enjoy the resulting masterpiece.

Soda is preferable to tonic

Healthy substitutes for harmful foods
Healthy substitutes for harmful foods

If you like high-calorie cocktails with a tonic, there is a way to prepare their dietary substitutes. Using soda will significantly reduce the sugar content of this type of drink. However, the difference is barely noticeable.

White flour does not cost more than wholemeal

Healthy substitutes for harmful foods
Healthy substitutes for harmful foods

Most pasta on the market is made from white flour, which nutritionists say is harmful. However, if you choose whole wheat flour, you will say goodbye to extra pounds and enjoy a healthier life.

Pumpkin strips or pasta

Healthy substitutes for harmful foods
Healthy substitutes for harmful foods

One of the easiest ways to cut pasta is to replace the pasta with zucchini strips. To do this, you can peel the zucchini with a peeler or cut them into long thin strips. If desired, you can bake them very lightly or use them raw. Then pour the sauce to your liking.

Mashed potatoes to thicken the soup

Healthy substitutes for harmful foods
Healthy substitutes for harmful foods

Every chef has their own techniques for thickening cream soup. Some use high-calorie products such as cream. However, it can be successfully replaced with sweet potatoes. Thus, the soup will be both lower in calories and healthier, as the potassium content in sweet potatoes normalizes blood pressure values.
