After The Harmful Foods, Eat This And Stay Healthy

After The Harmful Foods, Eat This And Stay Healthy
After The Harmful Foods, Eat This And Stay Healthy

Harmful foods are all around us. No matter how much we avoid them, they still end up on our table. In order to protect ourselves from the health problems that come with their consumption, we can rely on a proven method.

There are harmful foods around us every day. It is easy to take off the guard and surrender to them. Chips, sandwiches or french fries - they definitely ruin our plans for a healthy lifestyle. These foods bring more salt, a lot of fat, sugars and artificial flavors or preservatives into the body. The result is bloating, gas and lazy bowels.

When the consequences of eating unhealthy food catch up with us, we begin to look for methods to deal with the discomfort and heaviness in the stomach. The best way is to limit. It is important not to exceed the recommended daily intake of sodium - less than 2,300 mg, as well as sugar - up to 6 tbsp. for women and up to 9 am for men. Fat per day should be up to 65 g or about 2000 calories.

The problems that the lack of restrictions can lead to are not insignificant. These include obesity, metabolic disorders, diabetes and heart problems, which become more complicated over time.

To cope, the first step is to choose foods and beverages to relieve the feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating fast food.

Sodium is the first element that accumulates in the body with the intake of harmful foods. This leads to an increase in blood pressure, increases the risk of heart attack, stroke or kidney disease.

To deal with it, we must rely on foods rich in potassium. They counteract sodium. Medium-sized bananas, for example, contain about 422 mg of potassium. Oranges contain between 230 and 350 mg of the mineral. Avocados and spinach are also very rich in potassium. Therefore, when you overdo it, just bet on these foods to unload.

After eating unhealthy foods, you can also rely on whole grains. They saturate us quickly and reduce the desire for sugar and carbohydrates. They are rich in fiber, which, in turn, supports the gastrointestinal tract.
