About The Benefits Of Parsley Decoction

About The Benefits Of Parsley Decoction
About The Benefits Of Parsley Decoction

Bulgarian cuisine uses a lot of spices - the variety of smells and tastes makes the dishes even more delicious and unique. What would be beans without mint or fish without a little devesil? The richness of scents gives us the opportunity to use a variety of combinations, even those that sound very amazing.

Typical confectionery spices are used in savory dishes, which in some cases really enriches the taste of the dish. In fact, this cooking (sweet smell of a salty dish) is not the most typical of our traditional cuisine, but innovations are always welcome - traditions also change, albeit slowly, over time.

Dried parsley
Dried parsley

But almost every spice we use is an herb, as long as we know exactly how to use it and in what conditions it will help us. Parsley, for example, is an extremely vitamin green spice, which, perhaps to the surprise of some, is also a great herb.

In fact, to be most useful, parsley should be eaten fresh, but in some health ailments is effective and a decoction prepared from the green spice.

In cooking it is more typical to use the green part of parsley, but for treatment you can also use the seeds - you need to grind to a powder, then add 4 teaspoons per 200 ml of water. This decoction boils for about 15-20 minutes, then wait for it to cool, squeeze and take 3-4 tablespoons 3 times a day. This decoction stimulates the body to urinate more often.

Decoction of parsley
Decoction of parsley

Decoction of parsley helps a lot with pancreatitis, and fresh milk is added to the spice. It is made as follows - brew half a kilo of parsley, then cut it. Then put the parsley in a saucepan with fresh milk (the amount of milk should cover the spice) and bring to a boil. Finally, squeeze the juice and drink 1 - 2 tbsp. however, to resort to this treatment, be sure to consult your doctor.

If you have bad breath, you can also resort to a decoction of the aromatic spice - pour boiling water 1 tbsp - after it cools down, you start to drool. To awaken the appetite, you can prepare the following decoction - cut a bunch of parsley and pour half a liter of water - leave on the stove for about 10 minutes, then withdraw and strain. Once it has cooled, take 2-3 tablespoons a day - this will improve your digestive process.
