Let's Cleanse Ourselves With A Decoction Of Parsley

Let's Cleanse Ourselves With A Decoction Of Parsley
Let's Cleanse Ourselves With A Decoction Of Parsley

We all know parsley as a green and aromatic spice, most often used in the preparation of various salads. The truth is that the juice and decoction of parsley also have many healing properties.

The decoction of parsley is extremely strong, so you should not drink more than 30-60 ml at a time. It is best mixed with other vegetable juices - such as carrots. Fresh juice has properties necessary for oxygen metabolism and maintaining normal adrenal and thyroid function.

Juice from fresh parsley leaves is obtained using an electric juicer. It is taken 1-2 teaspoons in 1/2 teaspoon of milk or in 1-2 tablespoons of cream 3 times a day 15-20 minutes before meals. Of course, it is possible to consume it alone, but keep in mind that its taste is not celebrated as a pleasure for the palate.

Folk medicine believes that the green drink stimulates the activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It facilitates urination, especially in prostate hypertrophy, has an appetite-stimulating effect, normalizes the menstrual cycle, improves respiratory and cardiac activity. Many natural healers recommend it as a safe remedy for impotence.

Parsley decoction helps the body to purify itself and get rid of excess fluid. Although it is considered a mild diuretic, prior consultation with a specialist before using it would not hurt. It is prepared by bringing 2 liters of water to a boil, then add ½ tsp. fresh parsley for about 10 minutes. Strain the liquid and consume hot or cold.

The decoction should be used for a long time to influence the weight loss. First of all, this property is due to the diuretic effect it has.

Parsley juice
Parsley juice

Parsley decoction is a prevention against cancers of the genital system and can be used as an alternative medicine even in registered ones. It is recommended for prostate and cervical cancer to soothe pain and speed recovery.
