Benefits Of Bay Leaf Decoction

Benefits Of Bay Leaf Decoction
Benefits Of Bay Leaf Decoction

Bay leaf is a well-known spice, but it also has healing properties if taken in the form of a decoction. In the culinary world it is widely used for pork and beef, it is also suitable for lean dishes such as lentils.

It has a very specific and strong smell, so when you put it in a pot, it is enough to add just one leaf to add flavor. As most of you already know, when you add it, it is good to break it to give it more of its flavor.

But since a lot has already been said about the culinary possibilities of bay leaf, let's pay attention to its healing properties. Little is known that bay leaf can help with type 2 diabetes, bronchitis, flu, runny nose.

Its decoction is no less effective if used for digestive problems, fungus, rheumatic pain, also helps with depression and excessive vague fatigue. It also works very well on the skin.

Bay leaf
Bay leaf

To be able to help each other with decoction of bay leaf, we need to find the right leaves. Of course, you can use those that are sold for cooking.

What is good to know about the leaves of Bay leafWhen it comes to healing properties is that they should not be shiny or pale green. The best choice is to be matte.

If you pick fresh leaves directly from the plant, you need to dry them before using them.

decoction of bay leaf
decoction of bay leaf

Here's how to do it:

Place the leaves on paper in a room that is not exposed to sunlight. The leaves will be ready in about 10 days, but it is important that the temperature in the room does not exceed 21 degrees. Once they are dry, you can prepare the decoction. To lower blood pressure and to normalize sugar, to purify the body, you need to boil two leaves in 400 ml of water for 5 minutes.

Then withdraw from the stove, but leave the leaves in the water until it turns pink in color. Drink 4 times a day, about half a cup at each intake. Bay leaf tea will also help with an unpleasant dry cough.

Joint pain is common and terribly painful. Here's a way to alleviate the discomfort with bay leaves:

Healing bath with bay leaf for joint pain

Boil in 1 liter of water 20 - 30 leaves Bay leaf. After boiling, keep it on the stove for 5 minutes. Then pour this decoction into a bath, dilute further with water to make it tolerable and lie down in it. Do not stand for more than 15-20 minutes. Do it several times to feel the effect. Usually after the fifth dip in a bay leaf, the pain slowly subsides.
