The Best Eclair Creams

The Best Eclair Creams
The Best Eclair Creams

The eclair is a pastry dessert filled with cream and covered with icing. It was created in 1540 by the Italian Pantereli, chef of Catherine de 'Medici.

The eclair can be with different filling - vanilla, coffee, whipped cream, cream Shibust, chocolate, egg cream Pistachio, cream with rum flavor, fruit or chestnut puree.

Below we have prepared some tested and delicious creams that you can use in the preparation of delicious eclairs.

Basic vanilla confectionery cream

The best eclair creams
The best eclair creams

Photo: VILI-Violeta Mateva

Necessary products:

1 pod of vanilla

250 ml of fresh milk

75 g of sugar

2 egg yolks

1 tbsp. flour

Method of preparation: Put the milk in a saucepan together with the grated inside of the vanilla pod. Add half the amount of sugar and bring the mixture to a boil. Separately beat the yolks with the other half of the sugar, then add a spoonful of flour. Add a little of the warm milk to the beaten egg yolks and stir vigorously. Pour the mixture into the saucepan with the milk. Stir until the cream thickens (about 3 minutes) and pour the cream on a metal tray rinsed with cold water and cover it with cling film. Leave in the refrigerator to cool.

Shanti cream

The best eclair creams
The best eclair creams

Necessary products:

1 tsp whole cream

¼ h. Powdered sugar

2 tsp pure vanilla extract

¼ h. Blueberry jam

1 tsp powdered sugar

Method of preparation: In a bowl, mix the cream with powdered sugar and vanilla until thickened. We put it in the fridge.

Cut off the top of each of the eclairs and lightly carve them. We keep the lids. Pour two tsp. of blueberry jam at the base of the carved part of each eclair. Pour the creamy mixture into a syringe with a star tip and squeeze it into the eclairs, making sure it comes out at least 3 cm above their base. Return the lids and sprinkle with powdered sugar.

Other variations of eclair cream are obtained by adding the following ingredients to the vanilla confectionery cream:

- To obtain chocolate cream - add 50 g of chocolate to hot milk before pouring it into the egg mixture;

The best eclair creams
The best eclair creams

- To obtain coffee cream - add 1/2 - 1 tsp. instant coffee in hot milk;

The best eclair creams
The best eclair creams

- To obtain raspberry cream - add 1/4 tsp. (60 ml) or to taste mashed raspberries to the finished cream.

The best eclair creams
The best eclair creams

Quick eclair cream

Necessary products:

1 pack. Yotker pudding - vanilla (optional)

¾ tsp milk

200 ml tons of cream (I used cooking + 1-1 ½ tablespoon Sugar)

The best eclair creams
The best eclair creams

Method of preparation: Beat the pudding with the milk. Whip the cream and add to the pudding.

You can also carry your own eclairs with ice cream. We cut the baked and cooled eclairs in half and fill them with ice cream. Serve immediately so that the ice cream does not melt.
