Basic Rules In The Preparation Of Creams

Basic Rules In The Preparation Of Creams
Basic Rules In The Preparation Of Creams

Although the creams belong to the relatively easy to prepare desserts and do not require much time and effort, even they often make mistakes. And there are creams that require not only patience but also true creativity.

Whether you are preparing a cream for immediate consumption or for use in cakes or other pastries, it is good to know some basic rules so that the cream can be delicious and fluffy. Here's what it's important to know:

- When preparing creams without gelatin, keep in mind that they should be consumed faster, as they are not as durable. Over time, they not only change their shape, but also their taste;

- Probably the most important rule when preparing creams, no matter what products fall into them is that all ingredients should be at the same temperature, preferably at room temperature;

Cream with Milk
Cream with Milk

- When whipping butter creams, use a mixer, not a wire. If the butter cream breaks, try to heat the hob slightly and whip it;

- In some recipes, the eggs are put whole in the creams, and in others the egg white is separated from the yolk. Don't think that only one technology is true. In some cases it is better to beat the yolks and whites separately with the sugar, and in others you can put the whole eggs and mix everything together. Just follow the instructions of the recipe strictly;

- When preparing vanilla creams, it is good to add the whipped egg whites to the already prepared cream. Thus it becomes more fluffy and ethereal;

- Do not think that to make the cream good, you need to put too much sugar. This can even lead to bitterness;

Cream with Gris
Cream with Gris

- When preparing butter creams, usually only raw eggs are used. This means that you should only buy them from a reliable source and review them before putting them in the cream. In addition to the fact that the eggs should not have an unpleasant odor, it is important that the yolk and egg white are separated, not mixed, when the egg breaks.
