Better Homemade! The Best Ice Creams And Frozen Desserts

Better Homemade! The Best Ice Creams And Frozen Desserts
Better Homemade! The Best Ice Creams And Frozen Desserts

Frozen desserts are among the most preferred, not only by children and adolescents, but also by adults. Most of them are relatively easy and quick to prepare, so it is good to learn to cook them yourself, and not rely solely on the services of a nearby store or pastry shop.

Here are some options:

Sour cream / vanilla ice cream

Better homemade! The best ice creams and frozen desserts
Better homemade! The best ice creams and frozen desserts

Necessary products: 1 1/4 tsp. powdered sugar, 2 1/2 tsp. cream, 3 eggs, 2 packets of vanilla

Method of preparation: Beat the eggs together with half of the sugar. Whip the cream with the rest. All products are mixed carefully and vanilla is added. The mixture thus prepared is left in a bowl in the freezer and left to cool enough, after which the cream ice cream is ready to serve.

Chocolate ice cream

Better homemade! The best ice creams and frozen desserts
Better homemade! The best ice creams and frozen desserts

Necessary products: 1 1/4 tsp. powdered sugar, 2 1/2 tsp. cream, 3 eggs, 3 tbsp. cocoa, 1 packet of vanilla

Method of preparation: You can look at the above recipe, which describes the sequence of actions, and after mixing all the ingredients, you will need to add cocoa. Stir until a homogeneous mixture is obtained, which is left in the freezer until completely cooled. And voila - your chocolate ice cream is ready.

Vanilla ice cream pudding

Better homemade! The best ice creams and frozen desserts
Better homemade! The best ice creams and frozen desserts

Necessary products: 500 ml vanilla ice cream, 150 g pre-made cake, 6 tbsp. rum, 150 g raisins, 250 g caramel sauce, oil to spread on the dish in which the pudding will be prepared

Method of preparation: The form in which the ice cream pudding will be prepared is greased with oil and covered with wrapping foil. The crushed cake is mixed together with ice cream, raisins and rum and mix well. The mixture thus prepared is allowed to cool sufficiently, after which the form in which the cake has remained is turned over on a suitable vessel and poured with the caramel sauce.

Ice cream cocktail (for 1 serving)

Necessary products: 1 scoop of cream ice cream, 1 tsp. rum, 1 tsp champagne wine, 1 tbsp. whipped cream

Method of preparation: Choose a suitable glass in which the cocktail will be served and cool. Put half of the rum and ice cream in it and leave it in the fridge. The remaining rum is mixed with the wine and also left in the refrigerator. Just before the ice cream cocktail is served, the glass of ice cream is poured with the mixed alcohol and poured with the whipped cream.
