Bolognese Spaghetti Does Not Come From Bologna?

Bolognese Spaghetti Does Not Come From Bologna?
Bolognese Spaghetti Does Not Come From Bologna?

Fake news. Thus, the mayor of Bologna defines the rumor that the popular pasta Bolognese originates from the Italian city of the same name. Bologna is famous for some foods - among them tortellini, tagliatelle and mortadella. Although the famous spaghetti with minced meat and tomato sauce is in great demand by tourists visiting the city, in the local restaurants they will not find understanding and a delicious dish, but a click with the tongue and disapproval.

The reason - spaghetti is not a traditional type of pasta for this region. Bologna Mayor Virginio Merola has in fact launched a campaign against pasta Bolognese. On social media, Merola even called on his fellow citizens to send him photos of the type of pasta in question from all over the world.

He later even explained that it was strange for Bologna's fame to be due to a dish that did not even come from the same city. "Of course, we are happy to be attracted. However - we prefer to be known for high quality food that is part of our culinary traditions, "he explains.

And what is the original recipe for Bolognese, which is prepared in the region - instead of tomato sauce and minced meat, the dish has fresh milk and white wine, which - we must admit - is quite different from our classic idea of this pasta. In Italy, any meat-based sauce is called ragout. It is on pasta with ragout that you are more likely to end up in Bologna.

eating pasta Bolognese
eating pasta Bolognese

What exactly does Bolognese mean? however? In fact, as we have explained, this is a ragout sauce derived from Bologna. In addition to meat, its base is tomato sauce. However, there are hundreds of ragout sauces, which also have tomatoes as a main ingredient. One of the most famous varieties comes from Naples.

And if you visit Bologna, remember - do not look spaghetti bolognese. Real Italian restaurants will not offer this type of pasta. In Italy, this sauce has become more of a tourist trick.

Remember one more thing - do not look for spaghetti in Bologna. They are not traditional in these latitudes, it is more likely that each sauce is served on tagliatelle, tortellini or gnocchi - other types of pasta. Behind this is not just pretentiousness, but also a lot of cunning - because of its shape, the sauce stays better in them than in spaghetti.
