He Does Not Lose Weight From Starvation

He Does Not Lose Weight From Starvation
He Does Not Lose Weight From Starvation

When it comes to losing weight, many of us say to ourselves: "Today I am crowded, but from tomorrow I am on a diet. I stop eating!". However, this is very, very wrong.

Even if you go on exhausting diets, starvation or fasting, you may never be able to get rid of excess rings. Simply because the slender figure is a matter of gene, writes Deutsche Welle.

How much fat will be broken down depends on the body's production of insulin. The smaller its amount, the more fat will be broken down at night.

Eating too often, too little, or in too small portions constantly prevents insulin from doing its job. When we constantly eat snacks or drink sugary drinks, the body constantly secretes insulin and accumulates fat reserves.

It is also a misconception that potatoes make you fat, and fruits are always useful. They are indeed a source of many vitamins, but they can destroy the effect of any diet if we take them at the wrong time. It is harmful, for example, to eat fruit in the evening. Fruit sugar constantly stimulates the production of insulin in the blood, which in turn stops the breakdown of fats at night.

Also remember that fasting leads to stress in the body. And instead of melting fat, you achieve the opposite effect - you gain weight.

When you fast, you deplete your body of sugar. This leads to melting of muscle mass. Muscles, in turn, are needed to burn fat.
