Chufa (Almond)

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Chufa (Almond)
Chufa (Almond)

Chufa / Cyperus esculentis /, also known as ground almond is a plant that belongs to the Ostric family. For the homeland of chufa are considered North Africa and the Mediterranean.

On an industrial scale chufa is grown mainly in Mediterranean countries. The Spaniards are the biggest experts on chufa. They extract useful vegetable oil from its tubers and consider it the food of the future.

In terms of nutrients, the above-ground part of the chufa is not inferior even to cereals. It is used for pet food, both fresh and as silage.

The aboveground part is sharp and triangular. It expands and merges, forming a continuous green carpet, which is a beautiful sight. In its underground branches the chufa forms many knots - up to 500 pcs. the size of an almond.

Hence the other famous name of chufa - ground almond. The skin of the tubers is brown and the core is white. The fruits of chufa are consumed in the skin.

Composition of chufa

The oil content in chufa is about 28%, which easily classifies it to the group of oil-bearing plants.

Growing chufa

Before planting, the tubers are soaked in water at room temperature for 3 days. When the soil warms up to about 15 degrees, they are planted in a permanent place with a depth of 7-8 cm.

The tubers are placed in nests of 3-4 pieces, at a distance of 20 cm from each other. They germinate on the 8th-10th day. If the weather conditions are unfavorable and the ground almond can not be planted in mid-May, then seedlings are used. This method is better because it offers a higher yield.

Chufa accepts the first frosts well in September. Harvesting is started only when the leaves begin to dry and turn yellow / this happens at the end of September /. The late harvesting of chufa contributes both to the good ripening of the tubers and to the formation of a larger amount of oil.

Chufa milk
Chufa milk

Harvesting from chufa should be done in dry weather. The removed tubers are cleaned of soil on a metal grid, washed and dried in the sun or in a suitable room. Chufa is stored in a basement or room that is well protected from rodents. Store well in room conditions.

Chufa cooking

In the confectioneries of a number of countries chufa added to cocoa, cakes, candies, chocolates. Halva is also made from it. Marzipan can be prepared from home-grown almond tubers at home.

For this purpose, the tubers are thoroughly washed and the tubers are dried. Beat with a mixer, but pre-bake on low heat.

The resulting mixture is mixed with powdered sugar in a ratio of 2: 1, poured with boiled cold water and mix evenly. Place the mixture in a saucepan and heat on a low heat. It forms well and without sticky additives, because it is very elastic. It is used to make candies of various shapes.

Tubers from chufa grind in a mortar and add to flour for baking cakes and various biscuits. From very well dried and baked tubers is made a great dietary coffee. Aromatic roast chufa superior in taste even to chestnuts.

Benefits of chufa

Chufa is very well absorbed by the body, which necessarily gives it a worthy place in a complete diet. The Spaniards derived from the fruits of chufa milk, which has healing properties and is used to treat diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

For this purpose, crushed fresh tubers are flooded with warm water in a ratio of 1: 4. Leave to stand overnight, filter and at the same time rub through a sieve. Add sugar to taste.
