Health Benefits Of Chufa

Health Benefits Of Chufa
Health Benefits Of Chufa

Chufa or also called ground almond, Cyperus esculentus, tiger nut and others is said to be the richest source of fiber in nature. Its ingredients have long been recognized as useful, even the ancient Egyptians knew about the miraculous action of chufa. In addition, chufa has a high energy content coming from the available starch, fats, sugars and proteins.

It is also rich in minerals (Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium and Iron) so necessary for bone health and tissue and muscle repair. And here there is an abundance of Vitamin E, which is very important for male and female fertility. This vitamin slows down the aging of cells, improves skin elasticity, making it smooth and radiant. It contains a large amount of Vitamin C and B1, the latter balances the CNS (Central Nervous System) and thus helps the body to adapt more easily in stressful situations.

Consumption of chufa is recommended in people who suffer from indigestion, flatulence (gas in the intestines) and diarrhea because it provides several digestive enzymes that regulate metabolism.

The oleic acid contained in chufa, in turn, regulates the levels of bad LDL cholesterol and at the same time protects the body from developing atherosclerosis, heart attack and others. And some people believe that it manages to reduce the risk of developing malignant colon disease.


In the confectioneries of some countries, ground almonds are added to chocolate, cocoa, candies, sumptuous cakes, and they are used to make delicious halva. Dishes prepared with ground almond flour are well absorbed by the body. The Spaniards learned to extract from the fruits of the earth almond milk, which has healing properties and is used to treat stomach ailments.

In China chufa juice is used more for regulating the menstrual cycle, for ulcers in the mouth, gums and as a powerful aphrodisiac.
