Culinary Use Of Chufa (ground Almond)

Video: Culinary Use Of Chufa (ground Almond)

Video: Culinary Use Of Chufa (ground Almond)
Video: Easy Flourless Almond Cake Recipe 2024, September
Culinary Use Of Chufa (ground Almond)
Culinary Use Of Chufa (ground Almond)

Chufa or ground almonds is an unknown plant in our country. Those familiar with the nut rarely resort to growing it. The truth is that this is not a laborious endeavor at all. The harvest of ground almonds provides another tasty and healthy vegetable on the table.

Chufata is an extremely useful plant with excellent taste. About 25% of quality fats are found in its composition. Its taste is defined as something between hazelnuts and almonds.

The origin of the chufa is unclear. Today the plant is found in North Africa, Southern Europe and Asia, the subtropical part of North America. There are several varieties, the most popular and used being the cultivated chufa var. sativus. It was among the main sources of food in ancient Egypt and among the first crops in general.

Cultivated chufa rarely blooms and forms seeds, through which it is spread. Other species of chufa bloom profusely and are often considered harmful weeds, even though their tubers are eaten.

The interesting thing about chufa is that it resembles grass, but does not belong to grasses. It is removed in autumn, when the plants dry out. The dried tubers of the plant are used in cooking. They can also be eaten raw. In this state they are tender and slightly juicy. Some bake them.

Chufa nut milk
Chufa nut milk

Chufa nuts are extremely popular in Spain and Mexico, especially as a raw material for the production of the refreshing drink Horchata. They are also available dried in health food stores.

In some countries ground almond is used in the confectionery industry. It is most often added to chocolates, candies, cakes, cocoa. Halva is also made from chufa.

Flour is also produced from ground almonds. Dishes prepared with it are well absorbed by the body.

Milk can be extracted from chufa at home. The practice is widespread in Spain. The resulting nut milk has a pronounced healing effect, mainly for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Culinary use of chufa (ground almond)
Culinary use of chufa (ground almond)

For this purpose, the crushed fresh tubers are flooded with warm boiled water in a ratio of 1: 4. If they are dry, they are pre-soaked in warm boiled water and passed through a meat grinder. Leave to stand overnight, then filter and rub through a sieve. Season with sugar to taste and serve chilled.

The tubers of tiger nuts can also be added ground to the flour for baking cakes and biscuits. Homemade marzipan can also be made from them. Dried and roasted, they can be used for the preparation of dietary and aromatic coffee.
