Peanuts And Almonds Protect The Brain

Peanuts And Almonds Protect The Brain
Peanuts And Almonds Protect The Brain

Many people, especially women, avoid eating nuts because they contain large amounts of calories. Nuts are useful, extremely useful for your health.

They contain substances without which the body can not function properly - vitamins, antioxidants and minerals.

Even the fats that nuts contain have benefits - they significantly reduce bad cholesterol, while being a precaution against the development of cancer.

Here's a quick look at the purpose of delicious nuts:

Peanuts do an indispensable job by regulating the sugar levels in the body. It is rich in folic acid, which helps to renew cells. Peanuts improve memory and attention, and they are also necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, heart, liver and other internal organs.

Raw peanuts should not be abused because they can cause indigestion.

Walnuts are an indispensable source of Omega-3 fatty acids that support the normal functioning of the nervous system. At the same time, they help to heal a broken bone faster.

Cashews, on the other hand, are rich in zinc. It is a faithful companion of immunity and cheerful spirit, also normalizing the functions of the lymphatic system.

For pregnant women and people who do not consume meat and meat products, cashew nuts provide the necessary iron for the body. The magnesium contained in it has a relaxing effect on nerves and muscles.

Peanuts and almonds protect the brain
Peanuts and almonds protect the brain

Almonds are recommended at risk of Alzheimer's because they are a good source of vitamin E. Almonds contain the most calcium and vitamin E. They are useful for anemia, visual disturbances, and almond oil has a beneficial effect on the skin because it removes almost all irritations. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys, it is recommended to take almonds and warm milk at the same time.

Experts recommend almonds for high cholesterol, hypertension, cancer, eye diseases, obesity, ulcers, heartburn. However, bitter almonds contain too much essential oil, which can be harmful to health.

Hazelnuts are the brain's first friend. They provide him with much-needed vitamin B, useful fatty acids and lipids.

Pistachio is especially useful in jaundice and other liver diseases, nausea, and is also a wonderful prophylactic for heart disease. The green color of pistachios is a sign that it is ripe and therefore has become tastier.
