Pangasius - The Dirtiest Fish In The World

Pangasius - The Dirtiest Fish In The World
Pangasius - The Dirtiest Fish In The World

Until the beginning of democracy, the fish that the Bulgarian family bought was mainly three species - carp for St. Nicholas Day, sea sprat and mackerel for the grill.

Of course, there was a category of fishermen, sorry fishermen, who, in addition to their hobby, also enjoyed trout, redfin or even catfish.

With the opening of the borders to the Bulgarian market flowed rivers with rare and exotic goods, including fruits and fish. As a result, dishes unknown to our grandmothers became more and more frequent guests at our table.


Even if you don't like fish, in particular carp and its specific aroma, you will not refuse a juicy piece of white fish bread. Before answering "Yes", check if the fillet is accidentally from pangasiusbecause the fish in question is the dirtiest fish in the world.

Pangasius belongs to the catfish family. The natural habitat of this fish are farms in the Mekong Delta, which is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. The waters of the Mekong River are full of chemical poisons and bacteria, as well as a number of industrial wastes.

Fish swim in it at will, feeding mainly on the remains of other fish. Pangasius catfish are raised on farms along the river. The fish is bred under extremely unhygienic conditions, usually feeding on dried fish bones from its already gutted and cut counterparts.

Pangasius fillet
Pangasius fillet

Pangasius, which is raised on these Vietnamese farms, grows four times faster than other catfish because they "pump" its food with growth hormones.

And if that's not enough for you to give it up forever, let's tell you that females are injected with hormones extracted from the urine of pregnant women to increase their fertility and reproduction.

According to the big grocery chains, the best-selling imported fish for the past year is the frozen Pangasius fillet.
