You Eat Fish Regularly - You Don't Get Sick

You Eat Fish Regularly - You Don't Get Sick
You Eat Fish Regularly - You Don't Get Sick

Regular eating of fish will reduce the risk of illness and physical injury by 40%, according to a Japanese study. The study on this issue was conducted by the National Institute of Health and Nutrition of Japan, writes in its pages the Daily Mail.

It was attended by 1,000 people who filled out forms to find out later from scientists what is their physical and mental condition.

All participants in this study described in detail what their diet was, how often they met with their friends. Other questions that have excited scientists are how volunteers cope with the use of public transport, with the payment of bills, etc.

It turned out that people who consume more protein of marine origin have 40% fewer diseases and physical injuries after seven years. Protein is an essential factor in gaining muscle mass, and thus protects people from bone fractures.

Unfortunately, with age, the body finds it increasingly difficult to absorb them. In other words, as we get older, we need more protein to be in good health.


Fishery products are very useful in this regard. You know that they contain a large amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which help reduce arthritis pain. In addition, they can save the elderly from dementia, according to the results of various studies.

A varied diet is key to good health - when we consume less of everything, our body feels good. Fish and fish products have long been known to be extremely useful.

Black Sea fish does not make a difference, according to a study conducted by Bulgarian experts. Scientists have made research on some of the most consumed fish in our country - turbot, horse mackerel, mullet, bonito.

Most of the fish that have been studied are rich in omega-3 and 6 fatty acids, as well as vitamin E. According to experts, it is best if the fish is eaten fresh. Even just a week of fish in the chamber will halve the vitamins in it.
