Top 10 Of Exotic Dishes

Top 10 Of Exotic Dishes
Top 10 Of Exotic Dishes

Under the term exotic dish, everyone can understand something completely different, depending on which part of the globe it is located. For example, it seems quite unrealistic for us to eat dog meat, which is typical of Asian peoples, while for Indians, for example, it is strange that some peoples can consume beef, because the cow is a sacred animal for them.

Here are some examples of the most exotic foods, given that exoticism for some means tradition for others:

1. Fugu fish dishes typical of Japan, seem completely unacceptable by most peoples. Fugu fish is highly poisonous, as the poison is contained in almost all its organs and can cause instant death. In Japan, people who can process it acquire a special document proving their skills. The places where this poisonous fish can be consumed are also very limited, but Fugu dishes are still very common.

2. Dishes prepared from dormice, are a real delicacy for the people of Cambodia. Although for Europeans, Americans and Australians, rats are the only contagious animals, they are hunted in Cambodia. Their meat is considered to be very tasty and organically pure, as they feed on rice canes.

3. Breaded caviar is considered a real delicacy for the people of Sri Lanka. It is prepared from almost all types of fish, boiled in white wine and spices aromas, then dipped in a special dough and breaded in very hot fat.


4. Dishes prepared from jellyfish, are traditional for Asian cuisine. It is mandatory for the jellyfish to stay in cold water for at least 24 hours, after which they are blanched.

5. Tarator soup, Snow White salad and tripe soup are very popular for the Balkan Peninsula and especially for Bulgaria. For all other parts of the world, however, they look quite exotic.

6. The national dish of Syria and Lebanon, known as Kibe, is prepared from bulgur, onion, minced meat and pine nuts. It is really tasty, but for many peoples it is completely incomprehensible.

7. Frog legs are among the favorite dishes of Italians, which is why they have earned the nickname frogs. Whether served breaded or fried, they can definitely be delicious for some and disgusting for others.


8. Fried locusts and beetles are among the favorite delicacies of the Chinese.

9. Snails that look too slimyto be used in cooking, are a favorite dish of the French.

10. Among the exotic fruits it stands out black watermelongrown on the island of Hokkaido. Its price is also exotic - 7 kg. black watermelon costs about 6,100 US dollars.
