Top Tips For Preparing Delicious And Healthy Dishes With Potatoes

Top Tips For Preparing Delicious And Healthy Dishes With Potatoes
Top Tips For Preparing Delicious And Healthy Dishes With Potatoes

Potatoes are often on the list of junk foods for people who follow a special diet. Statements such as "potatoes are getting fatter" and "it is not good to mix potatoes with proteins (meat)" that we often hear have contributed to the fact that potatoes are increasingly being avoided.

Due to the frequent use of potatoes in our diets, it is one of the most important sources of vitamin C. Vitamin C is extremely important because it acts as an antioxidant, participates in the creation of collagen, which is important for teeth and bones, supports capillaries in good condition, improves wound healing, participates in the absorption of iron, etc.

In addition to vitamin C, potatoes contain starch, B vitamins, minerals, little protein and very little fat, do not contain cholesterol. What we most often do wrong is not in the consumption of potatoes, but their preparation. By adding fat, we simply increase the number of calories introduced.

So, here's how to enjoy potatoes and not worry about breaking your diet.

Whenever possible, cook the potatoes together with the skin. Potatoes contain the most minerals and vitamins right in the thin layer, which is located directly under the peel.

Therefore, always boil the peeled potatoes and only then peel them. In this way they will lose the minimum amount of vitamins. When baking the potatoes, just cut them in half and bake them together with the peel.

As few french fries as possible

As you probably already know, potatoes can absorb a lot of oil, so frying is one of the ways of consumption that significantly increases the caloric content of potatoes. If you still can't resist the golden-yellow crispy french fries, then after removing from the pan or deep fryer, place the potatoes on kitchen paper (change even a few leaves) to squeeze out as much fat as possible.

Mashed potatoes
Mashed potatoes

Potato salad

This is a great option, but only if you do not make the same mistake again and add too much fat. So be careful when making potato salad, because freshly cooked and peeled potatoes have the ability to absorb a large amount of oil that you will add. And the more butter you add, the more the potatoes will "drink". Therefore, season with a little olive oil and avoid adding butter or margarine.

Baked or boiled potatoes?

Of course, baked. Still, it is good to bake them together with the skin and with very little butter. However, avoid adding different sauces such as mayonnaise, cream, etc., because in this case you have baked potatoes in vain without excess fat.

Mashed potatoes

Although almost everyone loves it, this method of preparation contributes to the greatest loss of vitamin C. Also, the caloric content of potatoes increases significantly with the addition of butter and milk. Instead of these fats, try making a puree by adding a little chicken or vegetable broth. Mashed potatoes will be healthier, but also tastier.

Potatoes go well with rosemary, thyme, marjoram. Eat potatoes immediately after cooking. Do not leave them for the next meal and especially for the next day, as they can lead to digestive problems, especially in more sensitive people.
