Two Exotic Dishes From Distant Chile

Two Exotic Dishes From Distant Chile
Two Exotic Dishes From Distant Chile

Chile, a vast country located between the Pacific Ocean and the Andes, is famous not only for its pristine nature but also for its exotic cuisine.

A blend of ancient Indian traditions and the culinary skills of new Europeans, Chilean cuisine is distinguished by its variety of flavors and techniques. That is why here we have selected 2 interesting traditional Chilean recipes that are both very tasty and easy to make:

Aromatic alcoholic chicken

Chilean cuisine
Chilean cuisine

Necessary products: 1 whole chicken, 2 tbsp. butter, the juice of 1 lemon, 750 ml of quality white wine, 1 onion, 3 cloves garlic, 100 ml cognac, salt and pepper to taste, a few sprigs of fresh coriander

Method of preparation: The chicken is washed well, drained and rubbed with salt. Make a mixture of lemon juice and melted butter and spread it on the bird. Put the onion in it without chopping, put the chicken to boil whole in the wine. When it is ready, cut it, strain the broth in which it was boiled and add to it the peeled and chopped garlic cloves, the finely chopped coriander and the cognac.

When the sauce thickens, add a little salt and pepper to taste. The sliced chicken is poured with the prepared alcoholic sauce and served. For decoration you can add fresh coriander to each plate, and for garnish - vegetables of your choice.

Dessert with apricots
Dessert with apricots

Chilean dessert with dried apricots

Necessary products: 550 g dried apricots, 550 g corn porridge made from corn flour and water, 350 g sugar, 3 tbsp. gelatin, 500 ml cream

Method of preparation: Pour cold water over the apricots and leave them to stand for 30 hours, then put them to boil together with the sugar. When they are completely soft, take them out, drain them from the water and cut them into cubes.

Dissolve the gelatin in a water bath, beat the cream with a mixer and prepare the corn porridge. In suitable dessert bowls or cups pour the porridge, fruit and top with equal amounts of gelatin and cream. Leave some apricots to decorate the dessert on top.

Another option is to use fruit syrup, grated chocolate or ice cream. Remember, however, that before serving the exotic fruit dessert, you should let it cool for about 5 hours in the refrigerator.
