Soy In Your Diet

Soy In Your Diet
Soy In Your Diet

Foods containing soy protein have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease. 25 g of soy protein a day can reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol levels.

Soy foods are rich in high-quality proteins, which even helps in the treatment of some chronic diseases. Many studies are currently being conducted to determine the numerous ones benefits of soy.

Many scientists and nutritionists recommend that soy foods be included in various diets and diets in children.

Overweight in children

Soy cheese
Soy cheese

Overweight in children is increasing at an alarming rate. One way to reverse this trend is to start teaching our children early eating habits that will last a lifetime. To get started, it's good to give them soy foods. Soy foods provide essential vitamins, minerals, fiber and protein for growing children.

Furthermore soy foods they contain fewer calories and fat and make losing or maintaining weight much easier. There are many soy products suitable for children on the market today, including chocolate soy milk, frozen soy pizza, taco meat or nails.

Weight loss and dietary fiber

Eating more foods rich in fiber such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and soy foods can help you lose weight by replacing foods with more calories. Many soy foods are full of fiber. Medical research has shown that fiber creates a feeling of satiety between meals and reduces hunger. Ultimately, this helps prevent unnecessary eating and excess calories that can lead to weight gain. Try to take 25 grams of fiber every day. One serving of sweet soybeans contains 3 grams of fiber. A vegetarian soy burger has 4 g, and roasted salted soybeans - 5 g.

Weight loss and breakfast

Losing weight can become much easier if you focus on breakfast every day, and soy foods can help by replacing some high-calorie foods. Eating breakfast every day creates a feeling of fullness and satiety, dulls hunger and prevents overeating with high-calorie foods. Studies also show that the next meal can be taken in fewer calories.

Soy milk
Soy milk

Soy foods are very suitable for breakfast, especially when we are trying to lose weight, because they are full of healthy soy proteins and also reduce the weight of calories and fat. For example, plain salami contains 160 kilocalories and 14 grams of fat; soy salami has only 70 kcal and 3g. fat. Other soy snacks are baguettes and soy cereal with vanilla soy milk.

Fashion diets

Going on a low carb diet or following a fashionable diet in an attempt to lose weight should not be at the cost of our health. Eating endless amounts of protein-rich foods high in fat and saturated fat can become a threat over time.

Soy foods help to acquire healthier eating habits in low-carbohydrate diets, because many soy foods are naturally low-fat and rich in protein. For example, a regular vegetarian soy burger has 12 grams of soy protein and only 5 grams of fat, 1 gram of unsaturated fat and only 3 grams. carbohydrates.
