Your Health And Nutrition Depend On Your Blood Type

Your Health And Nutrition Depend On Your Blood Type
Your Health And Nutrition Depend On Your Blood Type

The blood plays a huge role in the functioning of the human body. It delivers the necessary nutrients, vitamins and minerals for the body. The blood is unique, beginning to acquire its characteristic features from the mother's womb.

Since ancient times, people have believed that blood has mystical properties. It was believed to carry the life force of man. In addition, they believed that they could tell by blood what the characteristics of a person were.

They are the most common three main blood coarse - A, B, AB and 0, but there are also their variations. Hundreds of studies have been conducted, many of which have linked the disease to blood type. It has even been established that there is a connection between the person's personality and his blood type.

It is believed that people with blood group A are more artistic and calm, those with blood group B - purposeful. The combination of these two - blood type AB - represented people who love to help others. People with blood type 0 are believed to be more creative, more talkative and more responsive. However, they are more difficult to deal with in stressful situations than others.

Scientists have established a link between blood type and propensity to alcoholism. Recent studies show that people whose blood type is A are more likely to indulge in alcohol than others.

Diseases and blood type

diseases and blood type
diseases and blood type

Recently, it has become especially relevant to talk about the predisposition of certain blood groups to the coronavirus. And although there is no single scientific opinion on the issue at this stage, it is said that people with blood type A are more likely to become infected with COVID-19.

Scientists from Wuhan (where the coronavirus infection actually originated) studied the blood samples of 2,173 patients from different parts of China infected with the coronavirus. Their results show that people in group A are potentially most at risk of coronavirus infection.

They are also the least resistant to infections and, accordingly, the most likely to get seriously ill. People with zero blood type, on the other hand, are the most resilient.

However, the study was conducted in a very small sample and cannot be considered completely reliable.

Cancer and blood type

Swedish scientists recently published the results of their study, which shows the link between a person's blood type and the possibility of developing cancer. They analyzed data from more than 1 million people over a period of 35 years.

The findings show that people with zero (0) blood type are more protected from cancer. The study found that those with blood type A had a higher risk of developing stomach cancer, while those with blood type B and AB were more prone to pancreatic cancer.

Researchers also say that the formation of cancerous tumors is often caused by alcohol, cigarettes and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Nutrition and blood type

Nutrition and blood type also go hand in hand. For example, people with blood group A absorb carbohydrates more easily, the opposite is true for those with group 0. In them, carbohydrates are absorbed much more slowly, which leads to bloating.

Nutrition and blood type
Nutrition and blood type

There is a 21% chance that the representatives of blood groups A and B will develop type 2 diabetes, compared to those whose blood type is 0.

Memory and blood type loss

Representatives of blood group AB are more prone to the development of dementia. 82% of them develop cognitive impairment

Pregnancy and blood type

It has not been fully proven, but there are already several scientific publications that claim that women with blood group 0 have greater difficulty conceiving.
