80 On 20 Diet - Your New Favorite Diet

80 On 20 Diet - Your New Favorite Diet
80 On 20 Diet - Your New Favorite Diet

The 80/20 diet it is not a diet. It is most easily described as a way to change the diet that favors weight loss.

At 80/20 the following principle is observed. 80% of the time a person tries to eat as healthy as possible, and the remaining 20% can afford to enjoy his favorite food, be it a cake, pie, spaghetti, a piece of cake or some other drink.

This means that if a person eats an average of three times a day, then this 20% is equivalent to 4 free meals a week.

Many celebrities around the world describe this diet as easy to follow. They explain that in life it is difficult to be 100% and be able to follow all the rules, adding that 80% is much more achievable.

Blood Pressure
Blood Pressure

Healthy eating nowadays is becoming a way of life for many people. Consumption of more fruits and vegetables, less fat and limited intake of carbohydrates helps maintain the health of the body and its body weight.

These healthy habits that are acquired in compliance with diet 80/20, prevent the appearance of high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol levels, as well as metabolic syndrome. It is the result of obesity in the body, which disrupts metabolism, leading to the development of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.


The book describing the regimen recommends consuming 80% of the time protein from fish or chicken, unprocessed whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and fresh fruits and vegetables. The way the food is prepared is also important, and it is desirable to exclude the consumption of fried foods.

And to achieve the slimming effect, do not overdo it with these 20%. Reward yourself for the effort, eat jam, pasta, but still limit yourself in quantities.
