The Best Therapy Against Constipation: 100 Grams Of Prunes A Day

The Best Therapy Against Constipation: 100 Grams Of Prunes A Day
The Best Therapy Against Constipation: 100 Grams Of Prunes A Day

Still, the state of our digestive system can play an important role in our overall well-being. Digestion is the way the body breaks down food, and it is a sensitive physical process: if it loses its rhythm, the whole body suffers and the consequences are not pleasant at all.

Modern lifestyle - sedentary in some workplaces, insufficient exercise and physical activity, consumption of processed foods and stress in addition can adversely affect intestinal activity.

Over time, slow digestion can become a chronic problem. This can lead to mental disorders such as anxiety and physical disorders such as bloating, constipation and diarrhea.

For centuries, plums and their juice have been linked to the digestive system and our health. Even today, some scientific research in the field of prunes is in support of our health. The study found that plums support normal bowel function as fiber. Plums are considered a first-rate therapy when it comes to maintaining intestinal balance.

Plums and their juice contain sorbitol, which acts as a sponge that is able to attract and retain water. But not everything from sorbitol is fully absorbed, which is just as useful! Prunes also contain fiber.

According to the European Food Safety Authority, consuming about 100 grams of prunes a day helps maintain normal bowel function. Of course, it is important to have a balanced diet and an active lifestyle.


If your digestive system is working below the optimal thresholds, there may be several reasons. There are potentially many solutions to the problem and of course this includes prunes included in the diet. These fruits are a great way to fix the problem.

Prunes can be consumed by the whole family - children, pregnant women and the elderly. The fruit is the perfect addition to a healthy and balanced diet.
