Benefits Of Fresh Cheese

Benefits Of Fresh Cheese
Benefits Of Fresh Cheese

The cheese is rich in calcium, phosphorus and zinc, as well as trace elements that help restore acidity in the mouth. The qualities collected in it help to build bone tissue. In general, calcium is a difficult element to digest. In cheese, however, it is in the form of calcium lactate, which is why it is easily absorbed.

The greatest contents of the favorable qualities of the cheese are in the fresh one, because in any other variant of processed in some way, an element reduces its properties or disappears completely. Fresh cheese is also good for people with diabetes because it has high amounts of protein and low in carbohydrates.

Fresh cheese is also called unripe. It is made from fermented milk with enzymes, after which the whey is drained. The remaining curd is made into cheese. It should be borne in mind that fresh cheeses have a higher moisture content, which is why they spoil quickly.

Fresh cheeses are similar in flavor and texture. They can be found not only in specialty stores for dairy products, but also in the most ordinary food chains.


When a person has an intolerance to cow's milk, this is not a problem. He can eat cheese from the milk of other animals - goats, sheep, as the use of cheese is mandatory for everyone.

Goat cheese has a stronger smell than cow's milk and is considered greasy. The sheep has a specific taste, but it is highly valued because of it.

The enzymes and bacteria contained in fresh cheese are only viable when used fresh. Using a higher processing temperature kills them.

Consumption of various raw cheeses nourish and strengthen the body.

Fresh cheese:

- Lowers cholesterol and prevents bone loss;

- Provides beneficial bacteria and lactic acids of the digestive tract, which protect against disease and help easily digest food;

- Increases its content of vitamin B and C during fermentation;

- Dairy properties are better absorbed by people with lactose intolerance, as most of it is converted into lactic acid;

- Increases the enzyme that contributes to digestion.
