You Need To Know This About Manganese Deficiency

You Need To Know This About Manganese Deficiency
You Need To Know This About Manganese Deficiency

Although extremely important for our health and well-being, manganese is one of the most neglected minerals. Everyone knows how important substances such as magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium are to us, but few know that the integrity and condition of our cells depends on manganese.

The mineral is involved in most enzymes in our body. It activates those responsible for the absorption of essential nutrients, and is also a catalyst for the synthesis of fatty acids.

Facilitates the metabolism of proteins and carbohydrates, and last but not least participates in the production of sex hormones and the maintenance of reproductive health. Manganese is essential for the formation of thyroxine - the main hormone of the thyroid gland, which ensures the normal functioning of the central nervous system.


In view of all its useful functions in our body, manganese deficiency is extremely dangerous to our health. First of all, its absence leads to an increase in blood sugar levels. It is common in such situations to lower risky and even life-threatening levels of good cholesterol.

Manganese deficiency is also characterized by impaired reproductive function. Acute deficiency of this trace element can lead to severe impaired coordination of limb movements, combined with damage to the cerebellum, spinal cord and nerves, a condition known as ataxia.


Symptoms of a lack of manganese in the body include nausea, vomiting, skin rash, hair loss, hearing loss and, in rare cases, paralysis, seizures and permanent deafness.

In order not to fall into such situations, it is good to know that manganese is most common in cereals, seeds, tea and vegetables. Some of the most famous and at the same time richest in manganese foods are oatmeal, brown rice, spinach, pineapple, cinnamon, pumpkin seeds, walnuts and cloves.

Pumpkin seed
Pumpkin seed

Make sure these foods are on your menu at least twice a week, and you'll make sure you get the manganese you need.
