Which 20 Signs Indicate A Lack Of Vitamins In The Body?

Which 20 Signs Indicate A Lack Of Vitamins In The Body?
Which 20 Signs Indicate A Lack Of Vitamins In The Body?

In the nineteenth century, scientific discoveries related to various human disease states made significant progress. Then it became clear to science that proteins, fats and carbohydrates are essential ingredients in food. They play a role in the good health of the body.

However, scientists have found that there is a lack of knowledge about something else in food that keeps us healthy. In the next century, the discovery of vitamins began. The name of these useful substances was given 107 years ago by the American scientist of Polish origin Funk. He discovered thiamine, which we also call vitamin B1. The scientist later isolated nicotinic acid, known as vitamin B3.

The discovery of various vitamins has continued throughout the century, and the scientists responsible for this leap in science have been awarded the Nobel Prizes in Physiology or Medicine, as new knowledge is of paramount importance to humanity. Until then, malnutrition, especially long journeys to the Great Geographical Discoveries, had killed many more people than other incidents.

Today, everyone knows that vitamin deficiency is the cause of many diseases. The choice of a balanced diet, with the supply of all useful substances, maintains our health in a natural way. When the body a certain vitamin is missing, it can be obtained as a dietary supplement.

It is not difficult to determine for ourselves whether we lack some of them in order to take measures to regulate the vitamin balance in the body. Here which 20 signs betray avitaminosis:

Weak hair and brittle nails - nails are just a small element of the puzzle of the human body. However, it can be used to guess a person's health condition. When healthy, they are smooth and even in color. The pale color of the nail plate is an indication of iron deficiency, the so-called iron deficiency anemia. In diseases of the liver, the nails turn very white. If they turn yellow, this indicates the presence of fungi. The nail turns bluish in the absence of oxygen, and transverse white lines appear in arsenic poisoning.

nail problems with vitamin deficiency
nail problems with vitamin deficiency

Cracked lips in the corners - the cause is a deficiency of iron and vitamins B1 and B3. Green leafy vegetables and chicken will provide the missing nutrients.

Bleeding gums - may be due to a lack of vitamin C. The first sign of scurvy is also bleeding gums. The tissue from which the dental crown is made is collagen fibers, and the lack of the vitamin stops the synthesis of collagen and the teeth start to wobble. Bacteria collect in the pocket under the gums and cause tooth decay. Those who smoke should take more vitamin C, as cigarettes cause a deficiency.

Poor vision - can sometimes be the result of beriberi. Insufficient amounts of vitamin A lead to night blindness. Then it is difficult to distinguish objects in the twilight. Lack of vitamin B12 leads to damage to the myelin sheath of the optic nerve and causes blurred vision that accompanies optic neuropathy.

Early graying of hair - is due not only to heredity or other factors, but also to lack of vitamins in the body. The discoloration of the hair follicle depends on the color of the skin. Therefore, early gray hair in Europeans means that this is observed under 30 years of age. Asians under 40 and Africans under 50. Research shows that due to a lack of vitamins, hair can turn gray in children as young as three, as well as teenagers. This is due to a lack of vitamin B12.

Increased hair loss - we talk about hair loss when more than a hundred hairs fall out daily. The reason may be an insufficient amount of vitamin B3, as well as B6.

Difficult to heal wounds - in case of a deep wound with bleeding, it is lost from the tissue. It recovers with regeneration. For this purpose, collagen is needed to blind and restore the skin. Vitamin C plays a role in collagen production. In its absence, there are problems with wound healing.

Aphthous stomatitis or chronic canker sores in the mouth can be caused by the herpes virus, but also by a lack of vitamin B. Different types of changes in the mouth and the inside of the teeth indicate that B vitamins are deficient.

canker sores in vitamin deficiency
canker sores in vitamin deficiency

Changes in the color of the tongue - the color of the tongue is an indicator of a deficiency of some of the vitamins. White tongue indicates that hemoglobin is not enough in the blood. With a bright red tongue, it may be an inflammation, but also insufficient amounts of B vitamins - B3, B9, B12. If the tongue turns purple, then the cholesterol is high or the blood supply is poor. People who have overdosed on antibiotics have a black tongue. To restore the balance of vitamins, it is appropriate to use probiotics.

High blood pressure - the reason for it may be an insufficient amount of vitamin D. Sunbathing can regulate the lack, as well as foods such as salmon and tuna, as well as beef liver and egg yolk.

Fatigue, muscle weakness, palpitations and a feeling of cold are symptoms of anemia. The mild form of the disease is eliminated by taking folic acid as a supplement. In the malignant form there is a problem with the absorption of another of the B vitamins - B12.

Excessive sweating - the causes are sometimes rooted in problems with the endocrine system. In other cases, they are due to a lack of vitamin D.

Dizziness, changes in gait, staggering are all conditions that can be caused by insufficient amounts of vitamin B12.


Fragile and brittle bones - as a result of calcium and vitamin D deficiency are frequent spontaneous fractures, which are dangerous because they can disable a person.

The appearance of a hernia - this condition is caused by weakness of the connective tissues. Vitamin C, quitting cigarettes and more protein foods will strengthen tissues as well as collagen intake.

With a small muscle mass, along with fitness exercises, it is good to increase the intake of vitamin D.

Seasonal depression is caused by insufficient amounts of various vitamins, including vitamin D, B9, B12, B3.

Vitamin C overdose is difficult because it is excreted in the urine, but if it does occur, it changes the pH and interferes with the absorption of vitamin B12. Therefore, these vitamins should be taken separately.

Vitamin B2 deficiency may occur with chapped lips.

Discoloration of the inside of the eyelid - if the normal pink color has faded, it may be the result of anemia. The strong red color is a sign of impaired blood circulation or damaged digestive system.

The best thing for our body is to get the necessary vitamins with a variety of foods. There is enough information about which foods provide the most useful nutrients we need. However, if some of these alarming symptoms occur, nutritional supplement deficiencies must be addressed before serious illnesses caused by an unbalanced diet occur.
