Weekly Diet With White Meat

Weekly Diet With White Meat
Weekly Diet With White Meat

70% of people fail to successfully complete a weight loss diet because they simply cannot stand hunger. Although modern recommendations provide for sufficient food intake, there are still some deprivations and they are becoming insurmountable obstacles on the way to a healthy body.

You do not need to despair or blame your will, because there is always a backup option. Today we will introduce you to white diet, which guarantees a healthy weight loss of at least a few pounds at the waist, in just one week. This diet has many variations that you may have heard - low carb or protein diet.

The white diet may sound misleading, but it prohibits most white foods - flour, sugar, bread. On the other hand, all healthy white foods are allowed, including even rice. This regime does not work on the principle of separate nutrition, but on the carefully selected nutritional composition and properties of food products, as well as on the correct calculation of calories consumed.

Here's what you can eat during the weight loss period: white chicken or turkey (up to 500 g per day), boiled eggs (up to 3 per day), white rice, low-fat dairy products, cabbage, cauliflower, apples. The sample menu for one of your days might look like this:

Weight loss
Weight loss

Breakfast: 100 grams of low-fat cheese or cottage cheese, 1 apple, green tea or mineral water

Second breakfast: 1 hard boiled egg

Lunch: a handful of boiled rice, boiled white chicken, salad (cabbage, cut into strips, and a quarter teaspoon of vinegar)

Dinner: 2 apples, 1 boiled egg, 1 cup of yogurt

The regimen is easy to follow, as cottage cheese practically kills the appetite. Eggs also help for a good effect, as they cleanse the body. It is best for lunch to be around 2 pm and dinner - no later than 8 pm.

Exceptionally for the evenings you can afford a glass of white wine. An important condition characteristic of any diet is drinking enough water, at least 1.5 liters. Light exercise or walking will also help you lose weight.
