The Unknown Herb Butterbur: Useful Properties And Medicinal Decoctions

The Unknown Herb Butterbur: Useful Properties And Medicinal Decoctions
The Unknown Herb Butterbur: Useful Properties And Medicinal Decoctions

The herb with the strange name podubiche has an excellent hemostatic effect, which is one of its most important properties used in folk medicine. It is known as white or red, onion, mountain ash.

For treatment it can be used by acquiring the aboveground part, which you can collect during flowering. The herb blooms from May to late August.

Chives are also very effective in constipation, to improve digestion and appetite, flu, sexual disorders and weakness, stomach and intestinal pain, sand in the bile, and externally applied with lavage in women suffering from chronic white flow., with hemorrhoids.

With podubiche you can prepare compresses and washes for stubborn acne with pimples, eczema, wounds, conjunctivitis.

herb butterbur
herb butterbur

I offer you several ways to use: Two tablespoons of finely chopped drug is poured with 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 5 minutes and leave to soak for 30 minutes. Take 80-150 ml of the strained decoction 3 times a day before meals. And for external use, the infusion is prepared from 4 teaspoons of the drug and 200 ml of boiling water.

If many people are not familiar with the white hemlock, it is a small semi-shrub with annuals, rising to erect flowering stems, 10-13 cm high. The leaves are opposite, with short stalks. The flowers form a spike-like inflorescence. When ripe, the fruit breaks down into 4 nuts.

There are several species of butterbur in Bulgaria. You can distinguish them from the common hemlock, because some of them are red or white, and another - with sessile leaves.

You can find this herb by walking through the forest meadows through the bushes, most often found all over our country.
