The Unknown Marsh Snowdrop: Super Useful Herb

The Unknown Marsh Snowdrop: Super Useful Herb
The Unknown Marsh Snowdrop: Super Useful Herb

If you don't know anything about snowdrop, it's time to learn. Snowdrop is the earliest flower that blooms in spring.

Snowdrop is also an herb, it treats colds, plexitis, reduced vision, memory problems, senile tremor, exhaustion, ulcers and more. On the basis of the alkaloid galantamine, which is contained in snowdrops, an important drug against dementia is produced.

Have you heard of Nivalin? This is a drug that is extracted from snowdrop and is used in the treatment of polio, diseases of the peripheral and central system, neuritis, neuralgia. The use of snowdrop for self-healing is dangerous.

In addition to galanthamine, it also contains some very poisonous alkaloids that can even cause death. In case of problems with memory and brain activity, pour 100 snowdrops (only the color) with 1 liter of brandy (must be grape) and let the mixture stand for 40 days in the dark and cool.

Strain and keep in a glass bottle. In the morning take 1 tsp. Against tremor, decreased vision, fatigue and ulcers, pour 40 chopped snowdrops with 300 ml of strong brandy and leave them for 20 days. In case of plexitis, 40 chopped marsh snowdrops are poured, which are soaked in 300 ml of strong brandy for 30 days. The container must be tightly closed.

In case of a strong cold, pour 60 white snowdrop flowers with 700 ml of pure brandy in a tightly closed container. Leave to stand in the dark and cool for 40-45 days, then strain.

With the prepared tincture rub your back and chest, then cover the area with a warming compress and wrap a blanket. When you sweat, change your clothes.
