Useful Properties Of The Herb Cinquefoil

Useful Properties Of The Herb Cinquefoil
Useful Properties Of The Herb Cinquefoil

The herb cinquefoil is also known by its name throat grass. It has a yellow, small color and grows to a height of up to 20 centimeters. Its leaves are green, divided into five compartments, resembling the five human fingers. Hence her name.

The plant is extremely common in our country and can be found almost everywhere. The parts of the cinquefoil used in folk medicine are stalk, leaves and root. The most common opinion is that the root should be removed in the fall. All parts are dried and then can be used to make decoction, tea, alcohol tincture, herbal tablets, compresses.

One of the biggest merits of the pentagram is the high content of antioxidants and bioflavonoids in it. At the same time, the herb is a source of vitamin C, tannins, valuable minerals and amino acids. An interesting feature is that a healing resin is extracted from the stem of the cinquefoil and used as an anti-inflammatory agent.

The herb cinquefoil
The herb cinquefoil

Photo: Iliana Parvanova

The yellow-flowering medicinal plant is suitable for stomach problems, including diarrhea, gastritis and ulcers, liver inflammation, skin inflammation and swelling, neuralgia, neuritis and joint inflammation, as well as eye inflammation, sinusitis and cataracts.

For the treatment of gastric disorders helps its antispasmodic action, which relieves pain and anti-inflammatory. Due to the latter characteristic, the plant gives excellent results in inflammation of the gums and oral cavity (by gnawing with a healing decoction), in skin irritations, for vaginal lavage, for washing the eyes in conjunctivitis.

The five-fingered it also has certain analgesic (analgesic) and antipyretic properties. The latter are also of particular interest to folk medicine, especially as regards the treatment of fever. The herb stimulates the immune system, thus fighting fever and chills.

The herb cinquefoil cures diseased kidneys, stomach
The herb cinquefoil cures diseased kidneys, stomach

The cinquefoil is highly effective in treating kidney stones. To deal with the problem, a decoction of the stalk is prepared, which should be taken before meals - three times a day.

Internal intake of the herb is recommended to deal not only with stomach cramps, but also against menstrual cramps, cramps during childbirth and even spasms of blood vessels in migraine attacks.

For the herb cinquefoil there are also different beliefs. The most common legend is that it was used to make love magic.
