Folk Medicine With Wild Strawberry

Folk Medicine With Wild Strawberry
Folk Medicine With Wild Strawberry

Wild strawberry leaves can help lower blood pressure and slow heart rate. A decoction of them will intensify the contractions of the uterus and dilate the peripheral blood vessels.

The fruits of wild strawberry can be eaten fresh - extremely useful in gastric and duodenal ulcers, anemia, atherosclerosis, high blood pressure.

Wild strawberries also help with gout, constipation, liver inflammation, kidney stones. You can easily prepare a fruit infusion:

Folk medicine with wild strawberry
Folk medicine with wild strawberry

- Put 2 tsp. of wild strawberry in 300 ml of boiling water. After 20 minutes you can strain the decoction. Wait for it to cool and drink, preferably without seasoning with honey or sugar. Frequent consumption of this tea can help you get rid of constipation.

In rheumatoid arthritis, mix 50 g of mint, licorice root, 60 g of wild strawberry, 100 g of thunder, willow and dandelion. Then heat 700 ml of water and after boiling, add 3 tbsp. of the mixture.

Boil the decoction for 3 minutes and then soak it with herbs for half an hour. Then strain and drink 6 times a day. Drink 100 ml at each intake, 15 minutes before and half an hour after a meal. It is good to continue the treatment for a few months to have an effect.

Folk medicine with wild strawberry
Folk medicine with wild strawberry

Make the following decoction from the leaves:

- Put 1 tbsp. chopped wild strawberry leaves in 400 ml of boiling water and leave to soak for about an hour. Then strain the decoction and drink three times a day.

Take 1 glass of wine, and it is best to drink the decoction before meals. Frequent consumption of this mixture will quickly boost the immune system.

If you have fresh wild strawberries, you can heal skin wounds and eczema - just mash with a fork and put the fruit on the wound. The herb also helps with purulent wounds.

If you suffer from a sore throat, you can alleviate your condition by gargling with wild strawberry infusion. For colds, mix berries and wild strawberry leaves and make tea - you can season it with honey.
