Wild Strawberry - An Invaluable Natural Source Of Health

Wild Strawberry - An Invaluable Natural Source Of Health
Wild Strawberry - An Invaluable Natural Source Of Health

"Little, redhead - the king is turning away from the road!" - What is it? - That's what the folk riddle sounds like. And of course - this is the wild strawberry!

This fragrant stalk with a red bead is a wonderful gift that summer gives us! The wild strawberry is a perennial herbaceous plant with creeping stems. Its flowers are white, with a spotted calyx and many stamens. The fruits are edible, saturated with small seeds located on the surface.

The wild strawberry is found everywhere in our country - in meadows, under bushes, in coniferous and deciduous forests, in clearings and meadows. It blooms in late spring.

The healing power of the fragile plant is amazing. Collecting fragrant berries is not easy at all! But fresh juice is so useful (obtained by mashing the fruit) that it is worth repeated bends. Red juice has a detoxifying effect and strengthens the body's defenses.

The fresh fruit of the wild strawberry contains about 9 percent sugars, citric, malic acid, pectins, tannins, B vitamins, vitamin C, provitamin A, phosphorus salts, essential oil, iron, copper, chromium, manganese. The leaves contain tannins, vitamin C, glucose and more.

Fresh and dried fruits have a therapeutic effect in gastric ulcer, constipation, gout, metabolic disorders. They have a beneficial effect on digestion and stimulate the appetite. It is also recommended for use in anemia.

Facts and evidence show that the world-famous Swedish naturalist who created the classical taxonomy of flora, botanist and physician Carl Linnaeus, was cured of gout with strawberries. There are indications for a positive effect of wild strawberry leaves on bronchial asthma, hypertension, atherosclerosis.

But care must be taken - if used excessively it causes allergic reactions! Wild strawberry leaves are used as a drug. They are dried in the shade. The dried leaves have a light green color and a slight bitter taste.

Preparation of decoction:

Wild strawberries
Wild strawberries

Two tablespoons of finely chopped strawberry leaves are poured with 500 ml of boiling water. Boil for 3 minutes. Leave to soak for 15-20 minutes. After it cools down, strain the decoction and drink 100 grams of it 3 times a day 15 minutes before eating. It can also be taken as a prophylactic.

The beneficial properties of wild strawberries are also used in cosmetics. Wild strawberry masks are effective against skin aging, and are also used to remove age spots and fight acne. Strawberry juice and pulp whiten and cleanse the skin, it acquires freshness and becomes smooth as velvet.

How to make a mask of wild strawberries:

Take a piece of gauze, cut holes for the eyes and nose. Apply on the gauze fruit puree or strawberry juice. Cover your face with soaked gauze for about 20 minutes. Cleanse your face with lotion. The best time for this mask is in the morning before washing.

How to make wild strawberry syrup:

Make a syrup of 4 tsp. sugar and 1 liter of water. Carefully clean 0.500 g of wild strawberries and add them to the syrup. After boiling for about 10 minutes, remove the pan from the heat and let it stand for about 30 minutes. Remove the foam.

Return the pan to the hob to cook for about 4-5 minutes. Then strain the mixture and cook for another 10 minutes. Add 1 tsp. citric acid. Pour the hot syrup into glass bottles and seal. Store in a cool place.
